Invest in Yourself with Venus Legacy™

Beauty is a feeling. In a world where self-care and well-being take center stage, prioritizing yourself is essential to a fulfilling and radiant life. Venus Legacy™, a revolutionary non-invasive medical aesthetic treatment, offers a unique approach to self-improvement, helping you achieve your desired aesthetic goals and enhancing your overall confidence. How does this cutting-edge technology empower you to invest in your own beauty, health, and happiness?

FAQs: Venus Legacy™

What is Venus Legacy™?

Venus Legacy™, FDA-cleared for Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV, treats facial wrinkles and reduces cellulite using radiofrequency and magnetic fields. This non-invasive treatment stimulates collagen production, smoothing skin and minimizing stretch marks. The technology combines heat with suction, penetrating deep into the tissue, increasing blood circulation, boosting lymphatic drainage, and reducing fat. The procedure can be combined with other procedures, like liposuction, as a finishing treatment.


What Happens During the Treatment?

The duration of your Venus Legacy™ session varies based on the treatment area, typically ranging from 20 minutes to 30 minutes depending on what area you are treating. Your provider will apply the applicator to your skin, gradually warming it to the appropriate range. If it feels excessively hot, communicate this to your provider.

During the procedure, you’ll experience gentle suction aiding the penetration of radiofrequency waves and magnetic fields into the tissue. This should be comfortable, often likened to a deep-tissue or hot stone massage. Most patients find the treatment relatively painless, ranking it as a one or two on the discomfort scale. Many patients even nap during the procedure!

Post-treatment, there is no downtime. You can immediately return to your regular activities and skincare routine.


How Quickly Will You See Results?

Most individuals typically undergo an initial series of 6 to 10 Venus Legacy™ treatments to achieve the best outcomes. Weekly sessions are conducted until you finish your treatment plan. Optimal results depend on stimulating fibroblast cells, encouraging the production of new collagen and elastin fibers. Final results become visible around three to four months after your last treatment.


How Long Does Venus Legacy™ Last?

The procedure results can last up to 18 months after the initial treatment series. Maintenance is required to keep your results stable.


What Does Venus Legacy™ Cost?

The cost of your Venus Legacy™ treatment varies based on your provider’s expertise, their practice location, the size of the treatment area, and the number of sessions you undergo. Numerous practices provide discounted rates for multiple treatment packages and often offer flexible payment options.


Is the Procedure Safe?

Venus Legacy™ holds FDA (Food and Drug Administration) clearance to address wrinkles, fine lines, cellulite appearance, and stretch marks for Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. Ensure quality results by trusting a licensed, experienced provider for your treatment.


Contact Superb Sculpting Today!

Your dream body is within reach. Don’t wait any longer to embark on your journey to a more sculpted, confident you. Take the first step towards your transformation with Superb Sculpting.

Schedule your appointment today and discover the benefits of CoolSculpting®, HydraFacial, Venus Bliss™, Venus Legacy™, and Medical Grade Skin Care. Our team of experts is here to help you look and feel your best. Contact us now at 239-789-1269 or visit our website to book your appointment.

